What is energy Matching?

It is time to talk about energy reciprocation. This is the simple notion of giving out the same energy and effort that you are receiving. I have spent so many years of my life giving so much of myself, my support, my care and effort to people who barely give an inch back. It is exhausting. I am calling it as I see it from now on and protecting my energy.

It's a familiar scenario, isn't it? You invest your time, energy, and heart into friendships or work relationships, hoping for mutual respect and reciprocity. You're there through thick and thin, offering support, care, and genuine effort. Yet, despite your best intentions, it often feels like a one-way street. You find yourself wondering why you're the one always reaching out, always making the plans, always giving that extra mile.

Friendships and relationships should ideally be a balanced exchange of energy and effort. It's about both parties showing up, being present, and contributing equally to the connection. When this balance is skewed, when you're constantly trying to keep the relationship alive while the other person remains passive or indifferent, it becomes draining.

I want you to talk about how you can give so much and try so hard with certain friends yet they never give the effort back. This can go with any type of friendship or work relationship. How you feel like it's a one-way street when it should be two. How you gotta be mindful of the energy you are putting out. Stop trying so hard to keep a relationship alive and watch it fail.

I've been in that place more times than I can count. The realization hits hard: no matter how much you care or how hard you try, some relationships simply won't thrive without mutual investment. It's not about keeping score or expecting something in return for every gesture. It's about feeling valued and respected, knowing that your efforts are appreciated and reciprocated.

Being mindful of the energy you're putting out is crucial. It's about recognizing when you're overextending yourself, when you're trying so hard to make things work that you're neglecting your own well-being. It's okay to step back and reassess where you stand in these relationships. Sometimes, creating healthy boundaries and prioritizing self-care are necessary steps to protect your own energy.

I've learned that it's not selfish to expect mutual effort in relationships; it's self-respect. If you find yourself in a situation where you're constantly giving and receiving little in return, it may be time to have an honest conversation or even reevaluate the relationship altogether. True connections are built on a foundation of reciprocity and respect, where both parties are willing to invest and grow together.

So, if you ever feel like you're on that one-way street, remember that your energy is valuable. Don't be afraid to redirect it towards those who appreciate and reciprocate it. Your time and efforts deserve to be honored in relationships that uplift and sustain you.


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